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About Us


GPC Pharma S.A.S

We are a company in the health niche, with more than 15 years of experience in marketing, promotion and distribution of medications, mostly injectables, medical devices, diagnostic reagents and biomedical equipment, with a focus on the hospital institutional market.

We currently cover all highly complex clinics and hospitals in Colombia, through a highly specialized sales force, a rapid response logistics system and, in general, business models focused on the needs of critical patients.

Our portfolio includes a variety of exclusive products targeted at the following medical specialties:

  • Infectiologists responsible for MDR management
  • Intervention and management of pain and spasticity
  • Physical medicine and rehabilitation
  • Palliative care
  • Cardiologists
  • Surgeons specialized in organ transplantation
  • Neurosurgeons
  • Critical care and intensive care medicine
  • Transplantologists
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To meet the needs of medicines, medical devices, diagnostic reagents, and biomedical equipment for hospital patient niches, adding value to all stakeholders, including customers, partners, employees, regulators, and society at large.


To be leaders in the institutional market of medicines, medical devices, diagnostic reagents, and biomedical equipment for hospital patient niches.


We are a company in the health niche, organized as a customer-centered system and made up by the processes and projects aimed to satisfy the needs, expectations and demands of patients (quality of service) in one hand; and, on the other hand, the technical and regulatory requirements for safety and effectiveness (technical quality). This way, we seek to generate a virtuous dynamic: If patients do well with our products, the doctors responsible for their care do well as a consequence, as do the IPS and EPS, us, of course, and society in general.


  • Innovation and Strategy. Observe the changes originated in a dynamic, constantly evolving and chaotic environment, identify the opportunities and  present challenges, and respond with imagination, proactivity and creativity, in order to adapt to said changes and ensure the survival, growth, efficiency and durability of the organization.
  • Processes and Organization. Organize the company’s activities by processes and projects, review them, and continually improve them in response to changes in the environment, especially the needs, clients expectations, government regulations and requirements (technical and economic), current protocols and standards.
  • Technical Quality. Develop specialized processes to monitor and control the products marketed by the company (medicines, medical devices, diagnostic reagents and biomedical equipment), comply with the norms, protocols, contracts, regulations and standards that regulate the effectiveness and safety in each of their products. components and logistical stages, from raw materials to final disposal, including the following:
    • Suppliers of raw materials and manufacturers of finished products
    • R&D of own manufacturing dossiers
    • Import
    • Storage
    • Purchase orders
    • Commercializatión
    • Transport
    • Distribution
    • Utilization
    • Final disposition
    • Postmarketing surveillance: pharmacovigilance, technovigilance and reactive surveillance
    • Document management
    • Mandatory reports to IVC agencies
  • Quality of service. Monitor the needs, expectations, requests and requirements of customers and control their satisfaction with timeliness, quality and efficiency, through the customer relationship management process, aimed to:
    • Reduce response times for purchase orders.
    • Personalize the customer experience
    • Provide advice, support and technical assistance from the sales force.
    • Respond promptly to complaints, claims and suggestions.
    • Ensure the permanent supply of the products in the portfolio
  • Regulatory compliance. Monitor and control that all company processes, in addition to the needs, demands and requirements of internal and external clients, respond to the requirements of government regulatory agencies.
  • Document Management. Manage and control the different types of documents generated by, and associated with, the company’s operation, including process manuals, reports, guides, among others, in order to archive, identify and retrieve them efficiently.
  • Formation and development. Train all company personnel to ensure that they understand and can fulfill their responsibilities related to Quality System Management.



  • Ensure the satisfaction of hospital customers, quality of service.
  • Timely attend to received purchase orders
  • Ensure the permanent supply of the products in the portfolio
  • Ensure that the products in the portfolio meet the technical quality standards, which are, safety and effectiveness, required by regulatory agencies
  • Continuously improve the efficiency of the company’s processes with the company’s vision, mission and financial objectives.
1. Foco en los clientes y partes interesadas
2. Liderazgo desde los procesos
3. Cooperación en los equipos de trabajo
4. Organización de los procesos
5. Revisión, ajuste y mejoramiento continuo de procesos
6. Toma de decisiones basadas en evidencias
7. Gerenciamiento de relaciones corporativas
8. Aseguramiento de la calidad en todas las etapas de los procesos
9. Cumplimiento normativo

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Mon-Fri 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Sat 08:00 AM - 01:00 PM

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